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Enhancing ProductPlan’s API: A Customer-Centric Approach
If you’re like me, you’re a product champion who loves to chat about integrations and gets excited at the prospect of teaching your cohort about different integration strategies or thinking through how to automate an annoying task. You...
My Experience Transitioning From Engineering to Product Leadership
When I started my career as an engineer, I didn’t set my sights on becoming a product manager. Flash forward fifteen years...
Your MVP is Not the Minimum Product
If you’re a product manager or part of a startup, you’ve likely heard about the Minimum Viable Product concept for getting...
4 Useful Real-Life Customer Interview Email Templates
Communication is a vital skill for product managers. We spend lots of time thinking about the best way to deliver our...
What Does a Lead Engineer at ProductPlan Do in a Day?
I’m writing for the first time on the ProductPlan blog! Long-time reader, first-time writer. I’m currently a remote Lead...
5 Ways Product Teams Can Drive an Exceptional Customer Experience Strategy
I’ve worked exclusively on digital products for over 14 years, primarily in product and design-centric roles. Thinking...
Product Strategy Doesn’t Work in a Vacuum, featuring Hadrien Raffalli
rIn our webinar Product Managers: Treat your Strategy as a Product, Hadrien Raffalli discusses the importance of tracking...
6 Tips to Creating Roadmap Accountability with Your Team
As a Customer Success Manager at ProductPlan for the past two years, I've worked with hundreds of our customers on...
Why Distributed Product Teams are Here to Stay
There is no going back to “normal” for product teams. The idea of simply translating what we did in the office can’t be...
Your Scaling Team Needs Product Ops, featuring Melissa Perri
"If you're a growth stage company then you have to be able to make strategy decisions very rapidly. If you don't have the...
Resilient Leadership During Challenging Times
A crisis can bring out the best (and worst) in people. Throughout my career, I've seen a spectrum of responses from leaders...
My 9 Lessons Learned for Remote Success from Across Time Zones
I joined ProductPlan in the summer of 2019, excited to sink my teeth into creating product management content. However,...
The Ultimate Motivation: What Gets Product Managers Out of Bed Every Morning?
No matter how much we love our career, we all have some days when we’d rather stay in bed. So what motivates product...
The Essentialist’s Way to Building Better Products
“Am I working on the right things?” “How can I fit it all in?” I find myself asking these questions almost daily, both in...
6 Things Product Managers Can Do with Qualitative Research
We are excited to welcome guest writer Carlos González de Villaumbrosia to the ProductPlan blog. Carlos González de...
How I Learned to Embrace Uncertainty: Tips for Product Managers
I’ll admit it, in the past, I’ve wrestled with needing to control uncertainty. For years I thoroughly planned most...
I’m Predictable in an Agile Environment
“Being Agile” and “being predictable” may seem mutually exclusive, at least when it comes to product management. A good...
Patterns of Pain: How Product Managers Solve High-Value Problems
The most successful product managers think of themselves as finders of pain, not finders of products. In my experience...
When to Declare Backlog Bankruptcy
A few years ago, I was the acting product manager at a startup, developing an enterprise software product. Building the...
The Key to Defeating Analysis Paralysis on Your Roadmap
Thanks to the Internet, there is no unfindable fact. As information is always at the ready, there’s no excuse not to check...
The Most Under-Appreciated Product Management Skill
We write a lot about the skills that product managers need to be effective. The skills are wide-ranging, from ruthless...
Product Management 2019: Year In Review
What a year. There are so many changes happening in product management as I write this, and the evolution only seems to be...
What Your Executives Want to See When You’re Presenting Your Roadmap
As a product manager who now sits on the other side of the table as an executive, I’ve had lots of experience both...
How I Overcame Imposter Syndrome as a Product Manager
No matter how far into your career you might be, you’re never too old for imposter syndrome to make an appearance. Imposter...
4 Phases of a Successful One-on-One with Your Product Team
We are excited to welcome guest writer Carlos González de Villaumbrosia to the ProductPlan blog. Carlos González de...
Grounding Your Product Roadmap With Themes and a North Star
We are excited to welcome guest writer John Cutler to the ProductPlan blog. John is a product coach with Amplitude, where...
Top 5 Ways to Mine Your Digital Customer Experience to Strike Insight Gold
As a product manager, you spend a lot of time trying to dig into the minds of your customers and unearth exactly what the...
Product Managers: Learn to Let Go
Sometimes it’s hard to let go of something after discovering it no longer works as you expect. Especially if it’s something...
Why Product Launch Communication is a Two-Way Street
Launching a product is not for the faint of heart. So many things, both large and small, can go wrong. In 1985 Coca-Cola...
6 Tips for Building Your First Launch Checklist in ProductPlan
Many of the customers we work with talk about their frustration with how they bring new products and features to the...
How To Build a Customer-Facing Roadmap That Communicates Your Product Vision
At ProductPlan, we are revolutionizing how a company delivers products to market by elevating product organizations to the...
Product Managers Give Too Much Context
Information overload is a pre-existing condition these days. In our personal lives, we have endless streams of news stories...
The Product Trust Communication Curve
There's a concept in business called the trust communication curve. It states that the more trust between people or teams,...
What ProductPlan’s Integrations Can Do for Your Company
TL;DR ProductPlan integrations help your team extend the value of your roadmapping app. The integrations help you automate...
Lessons from a Product Launch: Rivian
Lessons from a Product Launch: Rivian Ask any product manager, and they will tell you that product launches are equal parts...
Kicking Off a Greenfield Project: What Product Managers Need to Know
Kicking off a greenfield project can be one of the most challenging tasks a product manager ever faces. Greenfield projects...
5 Things Your Product Leader Doesn’t Want to See on Your Roadmap
Product managers can find inspiration for their products everywhere, and that's great. But those inspired ideas can't go...
Your Digital Transformation Program is Wasting Your Money
The amount of money invested in “Transformation Programs” is staggering. In the past 20 years, we have seen Digital and...
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