In an ideal, data-driven world, every product, project, and program would come gift wrapped with its own precise set of goals, objectives, and KPIs. There would be no bad strategy. The rationale would be crystal clear, as would measuring its success. Bad Strategy...
Roadmap and Roadmap Management
The Role Roadmaps Play in Managing Product Design
In modern software development, product designers tend to be embedded on a cross-functional squad or scrum team. That team's collective work is often represented, at a high level, as features on the product roadmap. The work of a product designer, however, is distinct...
Declaring Roadmap Bankruptcy
Is it Time to Declare Roadmap Bankruptcy? Whether your product finds a market or falls flat, your team needs to understand why this outcome occurred. That way, you’ll know if your strategic plan is working and your roadmap is on the right track, or if it’s time to...
The 5 Top Trends in Product Management to Watch in 2021
The year 2020 shifted the world in fundamental ways. It changed the way we work, learn, play, travel, and socialize. It catapulted some industries into dominance (video conferencing, food delivery) while decimating others (hospitality, tourism). In fact, 2020 brought...
Gathering Feedback From Unengaged Customers, Featuring Brian Tan
Customer feedback is the lifeblood of customer-centricity. It's impossible to create and improve products without understanding customers' experience, especially when customers have unengaged and do not provide feedback. Customers don't buy or use your products, so...
Aligning Your Roadmap Themes to the Customer Journey
Much has been written over the last few years on the idea of the featureless roadmap, which challenges product teams to present their plans grounded more in strategic vision - or by themes - rather than a laundry list of specific features. ProductPlan alone has...
6 Tips to Creating Roadmap Accountability with Your Team
As a Customer Success Manager at ProductPlan for the past two years, I've worked with hundreds of our customers on establishing their roadmapping processes. Throughout my time with ProductPlan, one of the most common roadblocks I see inhibiting a successful roadmap...
The Key to Defeating Analysis Paralysis on Your Roadmap
Thanks to the Internet, there is no unfindable fact. As information is always at the ready, there’s no excuse not to check sources, find corroborating evidence, and research every decision. Our well-instrumented products are delivering a steady stream of data ready to...
What Your Executives Want to See When You’re Presenting Your Roadmap
As a product manager who now sits on the other side of the table as an executive, I’ve had lots of experience both presenting executive-facing roadmaps and receiving those presentations. I understand how much thought (and possibly anxiety) goes into these roadmap...
Grounding Your Product Roadmap With Themes and a North Star
We are excited to welcome guest writer John Cutler to the ProductPlan blog. John is a product coach with Amplitude, where he collaborates with internal teams, customers, prospects, and the broader product public. Product teams are no stranger to the ever-changing and...
7 Takeaways from ProductCraft 2019
Last week I had the pleasure of attending the ProductCraft conference, a one-day event for product managers in San Francisco. For those of you who are unfamiliar, ProductCraft is a community for product managers that is run by Pendo. This being the first year of the...
3 Useful Analytics Hacks for Mobile Product Managers
Product managers are also problem managers. Crashes after a new version launch? It happens. Users dropping off after initial download? That happens too. Rather than waiting for problems to arise in aggregate and then fixing them, you can take a proactive approach....
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