ProductPlan’s two features—Visualize Changes and Roadmap-Level Conversations—allow product teams to tell their product story.
Tools and Resources
5 Ways ProductPlan Helps Standardize Your Roadmaps
Does your product team need help to standardize their product roadmaps? Learn how ProductPlan’s roadmap software can help align your team.
Conduct Better Roadmap Communication with Shared Legends
Explore how ProductPlan’s shared legends roadmap can help you standardize your team’s product roadmaps into a single view.
What is the Learning Center?
Find your favorite product management topics within one place, the Learning Center. Explore the pieces that keep readers coming back.
Why I Switched From Spreadsheets to a Roadmap Tool, Featuring Product Director Jay Hum
Not every product manager is lucky enough to work with a purpose-built roadmapping tool. The benefits outweigh other roadmapping options such as spreadsheets and presentations.
Zapier: My Personal Product Management Assistant
As a product manager at ProductPlan, I’m particularly proud of our new integration with Zapier because of the impact I know it can make. My appreciation of Zapier’s capabilities started years ago when I worked in Customer Success here at ProductPlan. Back then, we...
Gathering Feedback From Unengaged Customers, Featuring Brian Tan
Customer feedback is the lifeblood of customer-centricity. It's impossible to create and improve products without understanding customers' experience, especially when customers have unengaged and do not provide feedback. Customers don't buy or use your products, so...
4 Useful Real-Life Customer Interview Email Templates
Communication is a vital skill for product managers. We spend lots of time thinking about the best way to deliver our product roadmaps, give presentations, run effective meetings, and create stakeholder alignment. But in reality, the communication tool we use far more...
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